Mind-Diák Szövetkezet
Grundfos develops, produces and sells some of the worlds’ most efficient and energy saving pumps, solutions and services across the globe. They help their customers save natural resources and reduce their climate impact. Water is their business. With their pumps and pump solutions, they set the standard and keep raising the bar when it comes to water and energy efficiency and protecting the environment. They are passionate about what they do and want to make a difference every day. In Grundfos Legalthere are 35 lawyers and legal counsels in Grundfos; located in various places of the world, including Hungary, Denmark, China, Italy, and the US. They work with a variety of legal topics, including commercial contracts, corporate, competition law, data privacy, marketing law, IP law and M&A. As a student assistant with Grundfos you will have every chance to use and develop your legal skills in various areas of the law.

Student Assistant - Diákmunka

Főbb feladatok, munkák

  • Assisting with corporate changes (restructuring, board changes, etc.)
  • Updating the company’s corporate database Completing Know Your Client (KYC) forms and Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) formsUpdating Powers of Attorneys (POAs)Reviewing corporate documentsCreating and updating ownership chartsLegal researchDrafting memosCollecting signaturesAdministrative tasks

Az álláshoz tartozó elvárások

  • Fluent English (C1 level) knowledge
  • Ongoing studies in the field of lawIntermediate MS Office knowledge

Amit kínálunk

  • Gross salary: 2254 Ft/hour
  • Opportunity to working for the company after the trainee program as wellHome office opportunity

Állás, munka területe(i):

  • Jog, Jogi tanácsadás
  • Ügyvédjelölt
  • Jogi gyakornok
  • Jogi asszisztens, Adminisztratív munkatárs

Jelentkezés módja

A jelentkezés gombra kattintva várjuk jelentkezésed. Sikeres jelentkezést követően kapsz egy értesítőt a Mind-Diák Szövetkezettől, melyben kérünk, kattints a „Jelentkezés megerősítése” gombra. Ha nem találod az értesítőt, érdemes a levélszemét vagy másodlagos mappákat is megnézni a levelezőben.


Cégnév: Mind-Diák Szövetkezet
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